Suffering from COVID-19?Vielight can help
Have you recently tested positive for COVID-19 and not sure what to do next? We are running a clinical trial to test a ground breaking medical device to see if we can help you recover faster. Read below for more information or click “Enroll Now” to get started.
Stimulate your immune systemVielight technology has the most published research in the field of photobiomodulation research. Our devices are used by the US Veterans Affairs, major universities and individuals. Initial results from research studies indicate statistical efficacy in several therapeutic areas, and we believe that our device could help stimulate your immune system to help you recover quicker from COVID-19. This is why we need you to help us prove it’s efficiency and make this potential treatment available to more people.
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What is a clinical trial? |
A clinical trial is required by the FDA for any new therapy to come to market. It involves recruiting volunteers to help prove the therapy actually works. Every pill that you take or procedure that is performed by physicians has went through a clinical trial. A few things to know: